Start Here
For first time visitors, here’s helpful information about the site. P.S. I link to my favorite posts at the bottom.
What is this site?
This is my comedy website and occasional blog on books I am reading.
This is a pretty low-tech set-up: I audio record directly into the VoiceMemo app on my iPhone and then upload to the site. I laughed while creating every single comedy post, so I hope it translates into laughter on your end.
Feel free to reach out to me anytime via email:
If you subscribe to this website, all new posts will be delivered to your inbox.
Only subscribers receive commenting privileges on posts.
Eventually, I will experiment with subscriber-only content—so please consider subscribing.
How is the website organized?
All posts are organized chronologically, from newest to oldest.
Most posts are audio only. I am in the process of typing up transcripts to all older audio only posts, and plan to include a transcript for all new posts moving forward.
Tags and Search
“Tags" serve as brief descriptors of each post. Click the magnifying glass at the top of the site to search for posts using tags, keywords, or titles of the blog posts for your queries.
Below are definitions for each tag:
Audio: The post centers on a playable, funny audio recording. The majority of posts have this tag. As I mentioned, I will be typing transcripts for older posts, and include transcripts for new posts.
Blog Post: The post is text only. Could be a story or an essay.
Parody: A post that satirizes a particular cultural form (i.e. an advertisement, an infomercial).
Impersonation: An audio post that impersonates a celebrity or famous person (JFK, Sean Connery, Sam Elliot). The warning screen before every episode of South Park readily applies to all impersonations I post on the site (see bottom of this section for warning screen).
Quick Hit: An audio post that is roughly 30 seconds or less.
Sketch: An audio post re-enacting a scene with multiple characters. Usually longer than a Quick Hit post.
Daily Dump: An old-fashioned blog post. My way of pushing out what has inspired me or what I’ve been noodling on—could be a quote, a link to a website or article or video, could be a couplet I’ve written. Basically no constraints on form.

My Favorite Posts (thus far)
Below are links to some of my personal favorites from the site:
Menendez Food Corporation and BEEF+
Carville on Clinton and Reprisal: Carville Hot Mic
Overall, if you enjoy any of the posts on this site, please share them with your friends. I appreciate all of the word-of-mouth advertising I can get.
That’s all for now, folks.
This page was last updated on: 1/11/2025