Take One: Vocals - Sympathy For The Devil

“Sympathy for the Devil”: Mick’s most self-indulgent song.

Take One: Vocals - Sympathy For The Devil
Image Source: this site


The Rolling Stones’ song "Sympathy for the Devil” is over six minutes long. Mick Jagger sings the chorus five times. The backing vocals (a repetition of “whoo whoo”) start around the two minute mark and continue through the end of the song. Below is how I imagine the first take of recording the vocals went.

[Note: please disregard the slight lapses into a vaguely Australian accents during the sketch. As always, the South Park warning screen applies.]

Audio Sketch

Take One: Vocals - Sympathy for the Devil


Mick: Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name. Mmm yeah. But what’s puzzlin’ you is the nature of my….. CUT! 

Keith (in background; uninspired): Whoo whoo. Whoo whoo. Whoo whoo. Whoo whoo.

Mick: NO! NO! NO! What the bloody ‘ell was that?!?! No enthusiasm on your “whoo whoos”! Absolute rubbish!

Keith: Oh come off it, Mick. This is the fifth time you’ve told ‘em guess your buggerin’ name. Hell, you called yourself Lucifer in the 4th verse, didn’t ya? Let’s just end the song!

Mick: Shut up, Keith, you twat! You wouldn’t know good lyrics if they came and bit you right in the bollocks. Guess what I’m doin’ now, ‘cause of that snide remark. I’m adding an outro to the song where I ask ‘em my name like seven more times.

Keith: Oh Jesus Christ, Mick.

Mick: No! Not Jesus Christ. Satan! This song is about Satan… Alright, everyone, from the top. And this time, when you’re "whoo whoo-ing", don’t sound like a bunch of depressed owls!

Pretty funny, innit? Why don’t you share this with one of your mates? Cheers!