Handling Department

Here at Menendez Food Corporation, you'll never speak to an automated customer service representative.

Handling Department
Image Source: this site
Handling Department


Caller: So I ordered about 3 packages from y’all’s website a couple of days ago, and earlier today I got the email saying they was all delivered. But I don’t think none of ‘em showed up yet. So I was just calling to get this mix-up all sorted out.

Service Rep: Yeah that sounds like a shipping problem. We don’t deal with that here. We’re the handling department. Okay, so I’m gonna put you on hold and transfer you to the shipping department...

Caller: Uhh, I don’t mean to cut ya off, but I just spoke to someone over there at the shipping department and they were pretty adamant; they said this was a handling problem. So I’m hoping you can help me out here.

Service Rep: Wait, so you actually believe those pricks at the shipping department. They don’t know dick man. We don’t ship. We handle. Got it? I’m putting you on hold.

Caller: Sir, what the hell is the difference between shipping and handling?

Service Rep: Putting you on hold, sir...

[Hold Music Plays]

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