Trick or Treatin'

On why I couldn't make it to trick or treatin' this year...

Trick or Treatin'
Image Source: this site
Trick or treatin'


Hey Dave, this is Stan K.

I was just callin’ to apologize for not makin’ it to trick-or-treatin’ this year.

Man I tell ya what, I done junked up my knee umpin’ them little squirts playin’ tee ball this past weekend.

So…Ended up having to go get surgery on it, ya know.

Got my PCL reconstructed.

Worst part about this whole thing is that I done bought the costume and everything, man, ya know.

I was gonn’ be one of them peanut M-and-n-Ms.

There’s twenty bucks down the tubes.

But, uh, give me a call-back whenever you get a chance. Hope you ain’t too sore about it.

Sharing this post with a buddy will really help out Stan K. while he recovers from his PCL reconstructive surgery.