Capo Convo

..And may Pete sleep with the fishes.

Capo Convo
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Capo: Alright fellas, we got two packages we need to handle tomorrow night, and then we’ll be hitting the mattress for few months. Got it?

[Group murmurs in agreement.]

Capo: First package. “Two John” Valletti—he’s got himself a new goomar off Monroe Street. Fortunately for us, he takes the fire escape up to her apartment every night. The fire escape is in the alleyway next to one of the dumpsters on our sanitation route. So I just need a couple of guys to handle this one. Should be simple enough—hide behind that dumpster, snag him off the fire escape, and give him the piano wire. Then drop him in that big blue dumpster, call Franco. Franco’ll be a couple of blocks away in the tipping truck. He comes, collects that dumpster, drops that load off at the landfill. And that’ll be it—“

Tony: “Yeah Two John was always a piece a garbage anyway. He’ll fit right in at the landfill, won’t he boys?”

[Group chuckles in agreement]

Capo: Alright Tony, enough with wise cracks...

Tony: [Acknowledges under his breath]

 Capo:Second package, Pete Sarino. This is one will be trickier. Prolly gonna need four guys on this one. So apparently, he’s been going to St. Vincent’s on Avenue C right at midnight for the last couple of weeks. Apparently his son came out as gay recently...

Stan: [gasps in background]

Capo: ...and he’s freakin’ out, hoping he can pray it away. So once he gets to the church, he goes straight to the chapel, lights some candles and prays for about 10 minutes and leaves. He’s only got one guy on lookout, who just stands right outside the chapel in the hallway. We’re gonna need two guys in the church in the confessional box before they show-up; gotta get there by no later than 11:30. The confessional box is on the otherside of the wall from the hallway, so you should be able to sneak up behind Pete’s lookout, take him out first, then take out Pete. Soon as that happens call the other two guys who’ll be out in the van. The van guys rush in with the plastic tarps and cleaning supplies. Get those bodies wrapped, clean up the mess and then go dump ‘em at our normal spot on the river. 

Tony: And may Pete sleep with fishes, ya know what I’m saying boys. 

[Group starts to chuckle again]

Stan: Yeah, Pete was always quick to prune.

Capo: Wait, what did you just say, Stan? 

Stan: He was always quick to prune.

Capo: What does that even mean?

Stan: Y’know quick to prune. Anytime he got into water, he pruned up real fast-like.

Capo: So what? What does that have to do with anything we’re talking about here? 

Stan: I mean… You can’t trust a guy like that. All pruned up. It’s a good thing we’re whacking him, right guys?